How is COVID-19 affecting your business?
When, where, and how people work has changed dramatically over the last few weeks. Whether it’s working from anywhere, flexible hours, or a compressed schedule, the days of Monday through Friday, nine-to-five jobs may soon be a thing of the past. With the increasing load on businesses to send their staff home, vital services like reception and

Shared Offices – An Ideal Choice for Startups and Entrepreneurs
Has your business been affected by COVID-19? Whether you are a small company hoping to establish a foothold in a highly competitive business, or perhaps an experienced business planning to expand, a shared office space can offer the best solution. Providing low overheads, quick set up and great networking potentials, shared offices make it easy

Shared Offices – An Ideal Choice for Startups and Entrepreneurs
Whether you are a small company hoping to establish a foothold in a highly competitive business, or perhaps an experienced business planning to expand, a shared office space can offer the best solution. Providing low overheads, quick set up and great networking potentials, shared offices make it easy for you to get working immediately in a fully fu

Three Benefits of Having a Serviced Office in A Business Centre
A Serviced Office, also known as Business Centre is a shared office building that is fully equipped and managed by a facility manager. Individual office space is rented to other companies or individuals. Serviced office solutions are a cost-effective option for start- up entrepreneurs and multinational companies looking for a local presence. A Busi

What is a Virtual Office?
Virtual Office set up in less than 2 hours A business location that exists only in cyberspace. A virtual office setup allows business owners and employees to work from any location convenient to them by using technology such as laptop computers, mobile phones and internet access. It expands job options for employees as does not restrict hiring t